Manga and Anime Society Kharagpur

Konnichiwa minna-san!!! We are Manga and Anime Society Kharagpur (MASK).

What is MASK?

We are a society of enthusiastic otakus with a keen interest in anime, mangas, manhwas and more.

What do we do over here?

At MASK, we involve ourselves in a variety of things. We regularly release anime-related content such as newsletters, AMVs, fan arts etc. We also hold events for fellow anime enthusiasts on and around the campus. Except them, we also have some activites exclusive for the members of the society. (Join us to enjoy some insider benefits.)

We also accept fan art and AMVs from outside society and publish them on social media while featuring the creator. If you want to make any AMV/ fanart submissions, you can do it here.


We have five teams which are responsible for various aspects of our society.

AMV Team

The AMV Team works on making AMVs (Anime Music Videos), be it full-fledged 3-minute long videos or small 30-second shorts or reels. They also work on making the promotional videos of the events as well as live coverage videos.

Design and Arts Team

The Design and Arts team is involved in making fan arts, be it traditional or digital. They also work on making the designs of the posters, merchandise and even the website.

Media and Newsletter Team

Just like the name suggests, the Media and Newsletter team is in charge of handling our social media and responsible for releasing newsletters. Check them out for interesting articles and puzzles.

Quiz Team

The Quiz team works on making engaging anime quizzes and puzzles for various events, competition and newsletter. They also work on handling the schematics of the event.

Web Development

WebDev team ensures the smooth digital experiences, managing our website and making it easy for everyone to connect.

More often than not, multiple teams collaborate together to work on cross-team projects or even full-fledged events.